Published: 09/02/2020

Bash is awesome. Specific, useful, sadly can’t use it on windows; but its a powerful tool. I wrote a script to allow me to easily generate markdown files in the correct format with all the correct inside guts, so I can quickly & easily write blog posts. Doing things allows me to forget about “How do I format the document? Whats the right file naming convention?” to “Lets write, I’m feeling inspired”.

Script Sharing: The script I use to create a post

Example usage: ./ Bash creating scripts to do cool things

#!/usr/bin/env bash

Basic entry to any bash script.

timestamp=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')

Store the formatted time stamp into a variable


this allows me to take a string like ‘Bash creating scripts to do cool things’ which is used in the URL and file name; as well as title. hypened="${argumentsAsString// /-}"

Format the file name using regex


Create the file name location in a variable

touch $filename

Create the file for real

echo "---" >> $filename

Add starting format to the file

echo "layout: post" >> $filename

Default layout is post; I don’t have anything else.

echo "title: \"$*\"" >> $filename

Add the title, eg: ‘Bash creating scripts to do cool things’

echo "date: $(date +'%Y-%m-%d')" >> $filename

Have to have a time stamp

echo "categories: " >> $filename

Left blank, but this is part of the URL generation.

echo "---" >> $filename

End header file

echo "" >> $filename

Add white space / new line to the file

#subl $filename

I used to use Sublime, now I use VS Code. I have not enabled the CLI usage.

Full file

Here’s the full thing for the post generator:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
timestamp=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')
hypened="${argumentsAsString// /-}"

touch $filename

echo "---" >> $filename
echo "layout: post" >> $filename
echo "title: \"$*\"" >> $filename
echo "date: $(date +'%Y-%m-%d')" >> $filename
echo "categories: " >> $filename
echo "---" >> $filename
echo "" >> $filename
#subl $filename

Other things worth sharing

Automatically push posts to github

Usage: ./

git add .; git commit -m "adding a post"; git push;